Here you will find the most often questions
How much does Appflow.ai cost?
It depends on which monthly subscription plan you decide to take. We have three set plans which range from $3.88 per 1K revenue to $6.88 per 1K revenue. We also have a more flexible subscription plan for those who require a more customized solution. Please contact us for more details regarding this type of plan.
Why is your pricing based on my revenue?
This is our way of keeping things fair. We want to make sure that all our customers are able to afford our product. If you use Appflow.ai less in one month (and make less revenue), why should we expect you to pay the same as a boom month? Essentially, it’s a way to justify our pricing.
How safe is my data?
We’re committed to keeping your data safe, so never ever would we sell it, or do anything strange with it. That’s a guarantee. Your privacy is important and we really care about protecting it. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is our preferred choice for web hosting, so please rest assured that your data is in good hands. We also use SSL encryption and a lot more to prevent your data from leaking out to the world.
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