Get a quick orientation to the main elements and features of the Appflow.ai dashboard.
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Get a quick orientation to the main elements and features of the Appflow.ai dashboard.
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The Dashboard acts as the central hub for accessing and creating all your Appflow.ai data assets. It encompasses both the pre-configured dashboard and any customized dashboards you create.
This platform serves as a valuable resource for gaining comprehensive insights into subscription metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs), empowering you to make well-informed marketing decisions.
Upon initial login to the Appflow.ai dashboard, you will get access to the pre-configured dashboard. This dashboard is editable, allowing you to add or remove widgets. It consists of Appflow.ai's built-in widgets, which cannot be edited but you have the option to create your own.
1. Data source filter. Choose one or multiple apps as your data source.
2. Time range selector. Set the time period for which you want to analyze the data.
3. Data filter. Select one or multiple data attributes to narrow down your analysis for more granular insights. The available data attributes for filtering include the following:
Segments: Specific groups or categories of users based on specific criteria or characteristics. On Appflow.ai, you can easily segment users by utilizing custom attributes and apply them as data filters.
User lists: A list of users you create by manually adding their emails. You can create user lists on Users and apply them as data filters.
Platforms: Operating systems on which your apps are running.
SKU: All in-app purchases available in your app, including consumable and non-consumable products.
Country: The geographical location from which your users originate.
Language: Languages your users speak.
Acquisition Channels: Different methods or sources through which users discover and install a particular app. It includes various marketing channels and strategies such as organic search, Apple Search Ads, other advertising campaigns, and more.
4. Dashboard name.
5. Edit dashboard. Click to edit the current dashboard.
6. More dashboards. Click to view all your dashboards or create a new one.
7. Widget name. Widgets at Appflow.ai are data visualized by charts and graphs.
8. The exact data for the selected metric.
9. Growth rates compared to the previous period. (Supported in some of the widgets)
10. View all. Click to access the complete dataset. (Supported in some of the widgets)
To access the dashboard collection panel, navigate to the dashboard, then in the upper right, click "More dashboards".
1. Dashboard thumbnail
2. Dashboard name
3. Edit. Click to edit the dashboard.
4. Delete. Click to delete the dashboard.
5. Dashboard that is set as the default dashboard
6. A dashboard that is not set as the default dashboard. Lightening the star will set the dashboard as the default dashboard.
7. Create Custom Dashboard. Click to create a new blank dashboard.
To access the customized dashboard editor, navigate to the dashboard collection panel, and then click “Create Custom Dashboard”.
1. Name the dashboard. (required, up to 60 characters)
2. Available widget.
Search. Find available widgets quickly.
Category. Choose the category to find the available widgets.
Data visualization. Select the data visualization to find the available widgets.
3. Your custom widgets. You can create customized widgets in Configurator.
4. Grids thumbnail. The number of grids indicates the widget's footprint on the dashboard when applied. ( A dashboard has up to 64 grids.)
For example, there are 4 grids shown in a widget thumbnail. When you drag the widget and add it to the dashboard, it will take 4 grids on the dashboard.
5. Data visualization icon. There are 6 types of widgets/data visualization available at Appflow.ai:
Single metric
Line chart
Pie chart
6. A line chart, dragged from the right widget panel, couldn’t be added to the dashboard due to the lack of grids or repetition.
7. Create custom widget. Click and open Configurator to create personalized data visualization.
8. Appflow.ai widget. Built-in default widgets(non-editable).
Currently, there are 26 built-in widgets available as listed below. It's important to note that these widgets cannot be edited, but you do have the ability to create your own.
Single metric
Active Subscribers
active subscribers
Single metric
Subscription Renewal
subscription renewal
Single metric
total revenue
Single metric
Non-consumable Revenue
non-consumable revenue
Single metric
Consumable Revenue
consumable revenue
Single metric
Renewal Revenue
renewal revenue
Single metric
churn rate
Single metric
ARPU(average revenue per users)
Single metric
ARPPU(average revenue per paying user)
Single metric
Single metric
Active Subscriber Trends
active subscribers, total revenue, date
Line chart
Renewal Revenue
renewal revenue, date
Line chart
LTV Trend
LTV, date
Line chart
Install by Country
install, country
Pie chart
LTV by Country
LTV, country
Pie chart
Revenue by Country
total revenue, country
Pie chart
Daily Installs by Country
installs, number of users, countries, day
Daily Subscription Growth by Country
subscriptions, number of user, countries, day
Subscription by SKU
subscriptions, SKU, number of users, day
SKU Revenue by Week
subscriptions, SKU, revenue, week
Install to Purchase
installs, subscriptions, renewals off
Renewal Rates
installs, subscriptions, renewal
Installs by Country
install, country
Active Subscribers by Country
active subscribers, country
Revenue by Country
total revenue, country
9. A line chart, added to the dashboard
10. A grid, the smallest unit on a dashboard that represents a widget‘s footprint.
11. Save dashboard. Clickable when all the required fields are filled.
To effectively manage and understand in-app subscription data, creating a customized dashboard can be immensely helpful. A personalized dashboard allows you to have all the essential information and metrics at your fingertips, tailored specifically to your needs.
Here are the steps on how you can create a customized dashboard at appflow.ai:
Step 1. Sign in to Appflow.ai.
Step 2. Enter the dashboard collection panel. In the right top of the dashboard, click “More dashboard” and navigate to the dashboard collection panel.
Step 3. Create a new blank dashboard. On the dashboard collection panel, click “Create Custom Dashboard” and navigate to the custom dashboard editor.
Step 4. Name the dashboard. Come up with a concise and relevant name(up to 60 characters) for the dashboard that aligns with the widget you want to add.
For example, if the dashboard focuses on subscription revenue, consider naming it "Subscription Revenue" to facilitate quick identification and understanding for you and your teammate. Including the creator's name and creation date is also a viable option.
Step 5. Add the data widget to the dashboard. To add the data widget to the dashboard, simply search for it on the right side of the dashboard editor. Drag and drop the desired widget onto the dashboard.
In case you need a personalized widget, click "Create custom widget" and choose the preferred type in the pop-up window. Follow the instructions to create a custom widget that suits your requirements, and then drag and drop it onto the dashboard.
(Please note that If the number of remaining grids is insufficient to accommodate the widget's footprint, it will not be possible to add it, as the dashboard only has 64 grids.)
Step 6. Save the dashboard. Upon completing the construction of your personalized dashboard, click on the "Save dashboard" at the bottom left. This will take you to the real-time dashboard you have just made.
Creating a customized dashboard empowers you to gain valuable insights from your data at a glance. By following the above steps, you can build a visually appealing and user-friendly dashboard that meets your specific objectives.
Tip: Remember to regularly update and modify your dashboard as your business goal may change, ensuring its ongoing effectiveness in driving informed decision-making.
To set a specific dashboard as the default one, go to the dashboard collection panel, find the desired dashboard, and click on the star icon at the bottom. By doing so, this dashboard will become the default one, ensuring it is the initial view upon logging into the Appflow.ai dashboard.