SDK Set-up Instructions Android SDK Visual constructor Test out the best Paywalls and Welcome Pages of your Android Apps with Visual Constructor
Test out the best Paywalls and Welcome pages of your Android Apps with Visual Constructor
The SDK provides a shortcut for displaying paid products. After setting the style in's remote constructor , you can display it by call method:
Copy Appflow. showPaywall (context: Context , listener: PaywallListener )
When the user clicks the back button, the paywall will automatically close, you can also actively close the following methods
Copy Appflow. closePaywall ()
Copy Appflow. showPaywall (context, object : Appflow . PaywallListener {
override fun onPurchaseCompleted (purchase: Purchase ) {
Toast. makeText ( this@MainActivity , "successful purchase ${ purchase.skus } " , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT). show ()
override fun onClose () {}
override fun onFail (msg: String ?) {
Toast. makeText ( this@MainActivity , "show paywall fail $msg" , Toast.LENGTH_LONG). show ()
// or
// Appflow.closePaywall()
API Reference
onPurchaseCompleted(purchase: Purchase)
onPurchaseCompleted(purchase: Purchase)
This method is called when the user closes the paywall
This method will be called when the paywall loading error
The SDK provides a welcome page that you can add to your application in the following ways
add in layout page
Copy < ?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< FrameLayout xmlns: android = ""
xmlns: app = ""
xmlns: tools = ""
android: layout_width = "match_parent"
android: layout_height = "match_parent" >
android: id = "@+id/welcomeView"
android: layout_width = "match_parent"
android: layout_height = "match_parent" />
</ FrameLayout >
or dynamically add in the code
Copy class SplashActivity : Activity () {
private lateinit var mWelcomeView: WelcomeView
override fun onCreate (savedInstanceState: Bundle ?) {
super . onCreate (savedInstanceState)
mWelcomeView = WelcomeView ( this )
setContentView (mWelcomeView)
WelcomePage supports timeout setting,the default timeout is 30 seconds,you can set it in the following ways:
a、 in layout page,add timeOut property
Copy < ?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< FrameLayout xmlns: android = ""
xmlns: app = ""
xmlns: tools = ""
android: layout_width = "match_parent"
android: layout_height = "match_parent" >
<!-- Set the timeout to 5 seconds -->
android: id = "@+id/welcomeView"
android: layout_width = "match_parent"
android: layout_height = "match_parent"
app: timeOut = "5" />
</ FrameLayout >
b、in the code, set by the constructor
Copy class SplashActivity : Activity () {
private lateinit var mWelcomeView: WelcomeView
override fun onCreate (savedInstanceState: Bundle ?) {
super . onCreate (savedInstanceState)
mWelcomeView = WelcomeView ( this , 5 ) //Set the timeout to 5 seconds
setContentView (mWelcomeView)
When WelcomePage displays success, failure, or timeout, it will tell you through WelcomeViewListener
Copy WelcomeView.setListener(listener: WelcomeViewListener)
Copy class SplashActivity : AppCompatActivity () {
private lateinit var mWelcomeView: WelcomeView
override fun onCreate (savedInstanceState: Bundle ?) {
super . onCreate (savedInstanceState)
setContentView (R.layout.activity_splash)
mWelcomeView = findViewById (
mWelcomeView. setListener ( object : WelcomeView . WelcomeViewListener {
override fun onShow () {
Handler (Looper. getMainLooper ()). postDelayed ({ goMain () }, 2000 )
override fun onFail (t: Throwable ) {
goMain ()
private fun goMain () {
startActivity ( Intent ( this@SplashActivity , MainActivity:: class .java))
finish ()
override fun onBackPressed () {}
API Reference
Callback when fails or time out