
SDK configuration to send purchases info to Appflow.ai

This part of SDK is important for subscriptions information

Ready to work Configure product information in Google Play

Displaying Products

To fetch the products, you have to call method:

 * parameter1:skus,The product id list
Appflow.getSkuDetails(skus: List<String>, listener: SkuDetailsListener)


val skus = listOf("SKU_WEEKLY", "SKU_MONTHLY", "SKU_YEARLY")
Appflow.getSkuDetails(skus, object : SkuDetailsListener {
    override fun onError(error: PurchasesError) {}
    override fun onReceived(map: HashMap<String, ProductDetails>) {
        for (product in map) {
            val skuDetails = product.value

API Reference

Making Purchases

Making Purchases, you have to call method:

 * parameter1:activity,The context must be of type Activity
 * parameter2:productDetails,The ProductDetails object corresponding to the product
 * parameter3:offerToken,to get an offer token, call ProductDetails.subscriptionOfferDetails() for a list of
 * offers that are available to the user
Appflow.purchasePackage(activity: Activity, productDetails: ProductDetails, offerToken: String, listener: MakePurchaseListener)

 * parameter1:activity,The context must be of type Activity
 * parameter2:productDetails,The ProductDetails object corresponding to the product
 * Notice:The first offer token is used by default
Appflow.purchasePackage(activity: Activity, productDetails: ProductDetails, listener: MakePurchaseListener)


Appflow.purchasePackage(activity, productDetails, offerToken, object : MakePurchaseListener{
    override fun onCompleted(purchase: Purchase) {
        //After the purchase is successful, you can obtain the order id,
        //order token and other information through the Purchase object

    override fun onError(error: PurchasesError, userCancelled: Boolean) {
        //When userCancelled is true, it means that the user cancels the purchase; 
        //when userCancelled is true, it means that the purchase fails
        //You can get specific failure information through PurchasesError

API Reference

Subscription Status

Get the subscription status of a product, you have to call method:

Appflow.getSubscriberInfo(listener: ReceivePurchaserInfoListener)


Appflow.getSubscriberInfo(object : ReceivePurchaserInfoListener {
    override fun onReceived(subscriber: IapIap.Subscriber) {
        for (info in subscriber.entitlementsList) {

    override fun onError(error: PurchasesError) {}

API Reference

Upgrade/Downgrade product

**To upgrade/downgrade a product, you have to call method:

 * parameter1:activity,The context must be of type Activity
 * parameter2:packageToPurchase,The ProductDetails object corresponding to the product
 * parameter3:offerToken,to get an offer token, call ProductDetails.subscriptionOfferDetails() for a list of
 * offers that are available to the user
 * parameter4:upgradeInfo,Upgrade/Downgrade Product Information Object
        activity: Activity,
        packageToPurchase: ProductDetails,
  			offerToken: String,
        upgradeInfo: UpgradeInfo,
        listener: MakePurchaseListener

 * parameter1:activity,The context must be of type Activity
 * parameter2:packageToPurchase,The ProductDetails object corresponding to the product
 * parameter3:upgradeInfo,Upgrade/Downgrade Product Information Object
 * Notice:The first offer token is used by default
        activity: Activity,
        packageToPurchase: ProductDetails,
        upgradeInfo: UpgradeInfo,
        listener: MakePurchaseListener


val upgradeInfo = UpgradeInfo(productId, BillingFlowParams.ProrationMode.DEFERRED)
Appflow.purchasePackage(activity, packageToPurchase, offerToken, upgradeInfo, object : MakePurchaseListener{
    override fun onCompleted(purchase: Purchase) {}
    override fun onError(error: PurchasesError, userCancelled: Boolean) {}

API Reference

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